Alas Purwo

Alas Purwo National Park – East Java
Wild life reserve at the Blambangan Peninsula is also known as “Alas Purwo”. Alas means forest or jungle and purwo is the beginning of everything. The width of Alas Purwo is 42 hectares square which is completed by many kind of wild animals, especially the species of banteng (Bosjavanicus), deer, pics, andpeacocks. There are many caves in the forest which are blanketed by many kinds of plantations. The visitors can meet many Javanese Bull here, especially in the dry season where many bulls are wandering outside the park to get into water sources. Some other endangered animals are also pretected here, they are: Cuonalpinus, Muntiacusmuntjak, Cervustimorensis, Presbytiscristata, Pavomuticus, Gallus sp., Olive ridely turtle, Dermochelyscoriacea, Eretmochelysimbricata and Cheloniamydas. Beside its fauna, Alas Purwo also protectect some endangered flora, such as; Terminaliacatappa, Calophylluminophyllum, Sterculiafoetida, Baringtoniaasiatica and Manikarakauki.
Wanna see much detail about Alas Purwo collections? Like to have adventurous travel?
Visit Alas Purwo National Park in Banyuwangi.

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